Sunday, October 9, 2011

Are Weaves the New Relaxer for Naturals?

I was up late the other night on the computer, clicking from blog to blog, link to link. I somehow ended up on a blog asking the question "Are weaves the new relaxer for naturals?" Now I wish I would have saved the blog link so that I could go back and reference the author's comments but I think the question itself is still rather interesting. What do you think?
Me, personally I think the great thing about being natural is the ability to weave or wig it  up and wear your hair straight while allowing yourself that versatility without damaging your natural curl pattern. Myself I am currently wearing HairAddict's  Virgin Malaysian hair and I love being able to have straight locks for the next eight weeks but will be just as happy when I take it out and rock my natural curls for however long until I choose another texture to "weave it up". So with that said maybe straight weaves are the new relaxer for naturals without the commitment and with all the versatility we love. Best of both worlds if you ask me!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Goodbye Summer

This year is blowing by, I can't believe it is almost the end of summer and before you know it we will be through fall and into the holiday season (maybe I'm pushing it) but honestly it seems to be flying by. I haven't updated the blog since the spring which means I never shared with you my summer  look and yes that is singular. I am the worst when it comes to my hair, I will rock an install until it is on life support and that is exactly what I did this entire summer. I acted as a test dummy for a hopeful new but familiar curly texture similar to the signature curl (R.I.P) I wore last year. It is so hard to find the perfect tight curl. (I have a feeling the challenge will follow me into the fall). But here it goes......

So what do you think?.....I actually loved the look but the behind the scenes with this hair was a fail. Hopefully I will have good regarding bring back a signature curly texture.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Quick Review Follow-up

Last time I checked in I posted about Shea Moisture products. Its been about two weeks since I started using the products and I am in love with most of the products. I am currently using this on my natural hair, but I think the shampoo should be a staple whether rocking your natural hair or your weave install. The shampoo is moisturizing and does a really good job of  cleansing without stripping the hair. I would specifically recommend for curly installs; with moisture being key to getting bouncy curls that "pop".
On the down side f the products, I didn't like the masques, they did nothing for me. I am not sure how well the masques work on your hair extensions, when it calls for deep conditioning. Overall I had a good experience with the products and it helps that I got them at a good deal!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hey its been awhile but I'm back! Fortunately we have been really busy but unfortunately blogging has fell by the wayside. Anywho I wanted to share a new product I came across and the great deal I found on it at my local Walgreen's. As you all know (if you have read previous entries), under this weave I am a natural girl. Well I am taking a few months to let my hair rest, let my curls pop and my fro...well be a 'fro. With that said, I set out for some products to play with. I came across a product line called Shea Moisture and after much research of reading natural hair/curly hair blogs, watching videos etc, I decided to try it. Well luckily for me the entire line was on sale at Walgreen's buy 1 get 1 Free!
Well....I tried the shampoo tonight and I LOVED it!!! It is sulfate free, and pretty much chemical free. It's gentle and moisturizing. (I think this would be a great product for washing your wavy/curly installs as well).
Along with the shampoo I bought a few other items to try (I couldn't pass a B1G1 deal).  I am now under the dryer with the deep conditioning masque and will be trying a twist out with their hair milk and hair I shall report back. Hopefully you get a chance to try it, I think the shampoo will be a staple for my summer wavy/curly installs as well. But hurry, the sale is only until April 2nd.

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